Why Outdoor Play is Beneficial for Children

By Published On: August 9, 2023Categories: Blog, Infant, Kindergarten, Toddler
Outdoor Play Nino ELA

Outdoor play is essential for early childhood development. It provides children with opportunities to explore, learn and grow in ways that simply cannot be replicated indoors. It is through the exploration of nature, physical activity and social interaction that young children experience a myriad of developmental benefits. Outdoor learning not only teaches critical life skills such as resilience, teamwork and creativity but is central to children’s enjoyment of childhood.

In this blog, we delve into the numerous advantages that outdoor play provides in early childhood.

Physical Development: Unleashing the Joy of Movement

Outdoor play is a natural playground for children to engage in activities that foster their physical development. Running, jumping, climbing, and swinging not only build gross motor skills, but also improve coordination, balance and spatial awareness. The wide range of movements children experience outdoors contributes to their overall strength and agility, laying a solid foundation for a healthy lifestyle.

Cognitive Stimulation: Nature as the Ultimate Teacher

The great outdoors offers a wealth of sensory experiences that stimulate young minds and promote cognitive development. Exploring natural textures, listening to the rustling leaves, observing the colours and shapes of flowers and feeling the warmth of sunlight activate children’s senses and spark their curiosity. Outdoor play encourages problem-solving, critical thinking, and creativity, as children navigate their surroundings, invent games and use their imagination to transform sticks into swords or rocks into treasure.

Social and Emotional Growth: The Playground of Relationships

Playing outdoors provides countless opportunities for children to interact, collaborate and build meaningful relationships with their peers. Children are more motivated to co-operate outdoors, more likely to work together in constructing, creating and exploring. Outdoor learning environments provide easy and relaxed opportunities to build friendships, work together and support each other through valuable social skills such as sharing, turn-taking, negotiation and cooperation. As they engage in group play, children develop empathy, self-awareness and emotional resilience, fostering a sense of belonging and enhancing their emotional wellbeing.

Nature Connection: Nurturing Stewards of the Earth

The natural world serves as an invaluable classroom in early childhood to develop a connection with nature. Through outdoor play, they gain a deep appreciation for the environment, its beauty and its fragility. Whether it is observing insects, planting seeds, or splashing in puddles, children learn about the interconnectedness of all living things and develop a sense of responsibility as future stewards of the Earth.

For children to have a concern for their world, they need to know about it, feel it, touch and smell it.

In supporting children to build this connection to their outdoor world we are setting them up to want to care for, improve and protect it. They will be better equipped to learn skills for solving environmental problems and, hopefully, be keener to become an active participant in being part of the solution rather than the problem.

Unleashing Creativity: Where Imagination Takes Flight

In the boundless outdoor environment, children’s creativity knows no limits. Outdoor play encourages imaginative play, allowing children to create their own worlds, stories and characters. Whether they are building forts, playing pretend or engaging in dramatic play, the open-ended nature of outdoor spaces fuels their imagination and nurtures their innate creativity.

Health and Wellbeing: Nurturing Body and Mind

The benefits of outdoor play extend beyond developmental milestones. Regular exposure to sunlight helps children produce vitamin D, essential for healthy bones and immune function. Physical activity outdoors reduces the risk of childhood obesity, improves cardiovascular health and contributes to better sleep patterns. Additionally, spending time in nature has been proven to reduce stress, enhance mood and foster overall wellbeing.

Learning Opportunities: Nature as the Greatest Teacher

The breathtaking beauty of nature is a giant, open-ended learning opportunity providing countless opportunities for discovery, creativity, teamwork, curiosity and problem-solving. Along with the sights, scents, sounds and textures of the natural world, nature is the trees, the forests, the birds and animals, the small insects running along the ground, the worms crawling through the veggie patch, the plants and flowers growing in the garden – a unique place for children to develop a curiosity for the world around them.

Furthermore, they learn about ecosystems, the changing seasons and the importance of sustainability. Outdoor play integrates seamlessly with various educational subjects, nurturing a love for lifelong learning.

How does Niño ELA support outdoor play and learning?

At Niño ELA, we place priority in respecting children’s choices in relation to what and where they would like to learn. With an awareness that many children are much more engaged, focused and inquisitive in the outdoor environment, opportunities for children to learn indoors or outdoors are available daily.

Niño ELA’s outdoor classrooms are set with stimulating learning pods, supportive of children’s current interests, providing opportunities to continue the learning they may see within our indoor classrooms through to the outdoor setting.

Through cultivating children’s interest in gardening, growing herbs and vegetables, watering the plants, caring for the worm farm, we are cultivating children’s interest, natural curiosity and imagination as they explore the world around them.

Facilitating experiences where children are encouraged to explore and learn more about the world around them provides a deeper understanding of Niño ELA’s Positive Education framework. Supporting the wellbeing domain of positive purpose, we strive to create opportunities for children to engage with nature within the centre and through many of the excursions made available to children over each term.

At Niño ELA, we create interesting resourceful outdoor learning experiences that allow children the opportunity to experiment and be curious, encouraging a sense of wonder as they learn more about the world in which they live.

How to Encourage Outdoor Play

There are many things that parents and caregivers can do to encourage outdoor play. Following are a few ideas:

  • Make it easy for children to get outside

    . Keep the doors and windows open and provide children with comfortable outdoor clothing and shoes.

  • Encourage children to explore their surroundings. Let them get dirty and messy, and don’t worry too much about accidents.
  • Provide opportunities for children to play with other children. This could involve joining a playgroup or sports team or simply inviting friends over to play.
  • Be a role model. Show children that you enjoy spending time outdoors, and that you find it to be a relaxing and enjoyable experience.
  • Plan regular outdoor activities. This could include going for walks, playing in the park, or gardening.

  • Make it easy for children to get outside.

     Keep the doors and windows open and provide children with comfortable outdoor clothing and shoes.

  • Provide opportunities for children to play with other children. This could involve joining a playgroup or sports team, or simply inviting friends over to play.
  • Be a role model. Show children that you enjoy spending time outdoors, and that you find it to be a relaxing and enjoyable experience.
  • Plan regular outdoor activities. This could include going for walks, playing in the park, or gardening.
  • Encourage children to explore their surroundings. Let them get dirty and messy, and don’t worry too much about accidents.

By encouraging outdoor play, parents and caregivers can help ensure that their children have the opportunity to develop and grow in ways that will benefit them for a lifetime.

With outdoor play a gateway to a world of exploration, growth and joy for children, secure your child’s early learning care and education today. For further information, contact your local Niño ELA centre.



